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Bullying Helpline

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Bullying... As a Parent, What Can I Do?

Get the facts:

          o   Assure your child that the problem will be addressed

o   Stay calm and be objective

- There are two sides to every story

o   Gather as many details as possible

-  Where did it happen?  When did it occur?  Who was there?  How did the interaction begin?

o   Write down when your child was bullied.  This will help to show that there is a pattern and that it is not just a one time event.

 Communicate with the school:

o   Encourage your child to speak to his/her teacher or school counselor verbally or in writing

o   If your child is not comfortable speaking up, you can contact your child’s teacher or school counselor

o   Continue to maintain open communication with school personnel   Encourage your child to use strategies that they have learned:

o   Tell the bully to stop (action) in a firm, calm voice

o   Walk away from uncomfortable situations

o   Know that it is not your fault

o   Tell adults at home and at school

o   Hang out with people who will let you be you

o   Don't be a bully yourself 

What to do if your child may be bullying:

o   Talk clearly about behaviors that encourage positive relationships

o   Avoid physical punishments

o   Reduce the amount of TV and video game violence

o   Determine whether or not your child is being mistreated

-  Sometimes bullying can be a reaction to hurt, fearful or angry emotions


Additional resources: