Syllabus 6TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Online Textbook Username: written in assigment book Password: CRstudentnumber Honoring our Heroes! Captain America Shield Geography Game - Where is that? Map Project Resources - the below links are resources that will help you create your own personal maps Map of Western Hemisphere Map of Eastern Hemisphere
Culture Wheel Project - use the below links to help you create your own culture wheel Parts of Culture Example of Culture Wheel Mesopotamia - click to hear about Sargon Can you name that tune? Diamonds Class SARGON SONG Clubs Class SPADES CLASS (Lyrics created by Mrs. Tyson's Spades Class using Shawn Mendes' Stitches)
You Wouldn't Want to be a Mummy Mummy Maker Egyptian Pharaohs More Egyptian Pharaohs Pharaohs of Egypt Interactive Tombs Pyramid Builder India Mesoamerica Ball Game Machu Picchu